The PhD overview
The doctorate is an academic course in and through research. During their course, doctoral students acquire real vocational experience, thanks to:
- personal research work, limited in time
- through complementary activities (teaching or consultancy assignments in companies, professional, interdisciplinary and transversal training).
The doctorate enables the construction, acquisition and dissemination of specialised disciplinary and interdisciplinary know-how and knowledge, combined with more generalist skills (entrepreneurship, project management, communication techniques ....).
The doctorate is the highest degree recognised at national, European and international level. It can be done full-time (3 years) or part-time (6 years maximum), in initial or on-going education. It is prepared under the responsibility of a thesis director who is a member of a research unit attached to a doctoral school.
It can also be obtained by Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE) or on work (PhD on work).
Standard procedure
To apply for a PhD:
- hold a national master's degree or another degree conferring the grade of master, following a course of training or professional experience establishing an aptitude for research
- contact one of the two UPJV doctoral schools.
Applicants with foreign diplomas must apply for a validation of studies (DVE).
Applications are examined on the basis of a dossier, with an interview of the candidates. -
- CV
- Cover letter
- Diplomas from the last 3 years
- Description of the doctoral project
- Letter of commitment from the thesis director
- Letter from the director of the host unit attached to the Doctoral School Science, Technology, Health
- Proof of funding for the thesis
In France, registration and re-registration for a doctorate is carried out on the ADUM website after the candidate has been admitted by the doctoral school.
What is ADUM?
ADUM is a management and communication tool, a collaborative tool and an online community for PhD students, PhD schools and companies.
For the doctoral student, it allows in particular:- time saving at registration and re-registration
- to store descriptive data about their thesis and the follow-up of their research work
- participate in the network of doctoral students and PhDs
- consult and register for training courses
- to have a portfolio of experience and skills in which elements likely to be used in a CV and a covering letter are entered
- access online information: news from the doctoral school, the institution, job offers, announcements of defences, etc.
- to promote their research work by publishing it on
- access to job offers from the network of partner companies
Destiny procedure
DESTINY is a European doctoral programme supported and co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND programme.
More about DESTINY
Over a period of five years, it provides MSCA grants for the training of 50 doctoral students at the cutting edge of research on the batteries of the future. -
The call for applications for the first cohort of doctoral students (2021-2024) is closed. 29 PhD students have been recruited.
More about DESTINY
The next call for applications for the recruitment of the second and final cohort of students will start in November 2021.
21 students will be recruited for a PhD conducted over the period 2022-2025.

A quality welcome for international researchers
You will soon be a doctoral student at the UPJV? Our EURAXESS Service Centre, dedicated to the reception of doctoral students, post-doctoral students and teacher-researchers, will help you with the procedures inherent in your mobility at the UPJV.
Focus on the international co-supervision of a thesis
A doctorate can be carried out within the framework of an international co-supervision of thesis. This aims to establish scientific cooperation between a French research team and a foreign research team, by encouraging the mobility of PhD students.
The PhD student:
- Enrols simultaneously in both higher education institutions
- Carries out its work under the responsibility of a thesis director in each of the laboratories concerned
- Alternate periods of residence in the two institutions for the duration of the doctorate, with a balance of mobility being sought. For the Science, Technology and Health doctoral school, a minimum annual stay of 4 months is required.
The international co-supervision of a thesis allows the award of a doctoral degree in France and in the partner country, on the basis of a single thesis defence.
The international co-supervision of a thesis is based on an agreement signed between the UPJV and the partner institution, in accordance with the regulations in force in the two countries concerned and the procedures of both institutions.
The agreement defines:
- the periods of mobility
- the rules of defence
- the payment of the registration fee
- the intellectual property rights, etc.
Each agreement is subject to negotiation and must be validated by the UPJV Doctoral Schools before being signed. It must be signed during the first year of the doctorate, by 30 April at the latest, in order to allow the administrative registration of the doctoral student. The Doctoral School must receive 6 originals.
The doctoral student must contact the Doctoral School and complete the registration process on ADUM, indicating that it is a cotutelle.